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Here are collaborated art pieces  I've help worked on for my third year final films during my time in university. My main role in these projects are mostly within pre-production designs.


A 3D short film directed by Rhys Harvey. It is a comedy short about A head born seperate from the body both having individual personalities and learning how to live with one another.

Click on the project title to go to their page



A game concept bible. One this project I was assigned as art director and main concept artist


Leap and Cottongrass


A stop motion/mixed media animation short directed by Paris Washington.

It is based on the swedish folk tale of Princess Cottongrass


A 2D comedy short film directed by Joshua Smyth and Alex Papanicola.


A story about a young man and his relationship with a rock

3D short film directed by Yasmin Down


A story of a young wolf who must watch over his younger brother afterlosing paths with their father while migrating through the forest.

Coming Soon...

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